Word Work | Vocabulary | Phonics | Fluency
- listen to a variety of texts and use new vocabulary in oral language
- recognize words in a familiar context
- identify own first and last name in print
- read first 50 high-frequency sight words and common words, such as colors, numbers, names, and places
- recognize and produce rhyming and non-rhyming words
- recognize simple word opposites
- match all consonant and short-vowel sounds to appropriate letters
- identify component sounds (phonemes and combinations of phonemes) in spoken words
- blend and segment syllables in spoken words
- blend sounds to read one-syllable words
- read previously taught high-frequency words at the rate of 30 correct words per minute
- read previously taught grade-level text with appropriate expression
- apply learned phonics skills when reading words and sentences in stories
- use words that signal sequence relationships such as first, next, and last
- explore the use of a Pictionary or dictionary to identify words
- discuss the meaning of words and understand that some words have multiple meanings
- connect life experiences to the read-aloud text
Listening, Speaking, and Viewing
- listen attentively to respond to questions and to follow two-part directions
- participate in vocal speaking and creative drama
- recite short poems, rhymes, songs, and stories with repeated patterns
- use oral language to relate experiences and expand vocabulary
- recall orally a series of three visually presented items
- listen and speak appropriately with peers and adults
- repeat auditory sequences: letters, words, numbers, and rhythmic patterns
- communicate effectively when using descriptive language, relating experiences, and retelling stories
- describe people, places, things, locations, and actions
- use complete sentences when speaking and begin to use subject-verb agreement and tense correctly
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