The Alphabets
- Begin with the Alphabet
- Use pictures to spell words
What do writers write?
- Building Sentences
- Punctuation, using period, question mark, comma, exclamation point, quotation marks, and apostrophe
- Rules for Capital Letters, beginning of a sentence, the word, I, names of people, places, pets, days of the week, months of the year,
- Noun
- Pronouns
- Personal Pronouns
- Build a Sentence
- I can build a sentence
Fix it Up!
- Rewrite sentence correctly
- Begin each sentence with a capital letter
- Add correct ending punctuation
My sentences have swag!
- S – starts with a capital.
- W – written neatly.
- A – a space between words.
- G – given punctuation.
Writing Informational
- What writers do to influence people
- write a piece that involves one topic
- use drawings, letters, and phonetically spelled words to share information
- publish a final copy
- Print Media
- Research
Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, and Spelling
- use left to right and top to bottom directionality in writing
- begin to use capitalization at the beginning of sentences and punctuation (periods and question marks) at the end of sentences
Writing Across Genres
- write or dictate to describe familiar persons, places, objects, or experiences explore prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing
- write legibly in manuscript own first and last names with initial capital letters, self-selected and teacher-selected words, and upper and lower case letters of the alphabet
- begin to develop a draft from pre-writing
- begin to develop a sense of closure
- begin to use describing words
- pre-write orally or in writing to generate ideas (graphic organizers and pictures)
Response to Literature
- retell a story orally, through pictures, or in writing
- make connections: text-to-self, text-to-text, text- to-world
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