Numbers & Operations
- Counting through 30
- Numbers 0–100
- Recognize and write numerals through 20 to label sets
Process Skills to solve problems:
- Match numerals to sets through 20
- Identify spatial relationships such as when an object is beside, above, below, in front of, behind, inside, or outside another object
- Sequence & Identify ordinal numbers (1st through 10th)
- Use informal strategies to share objects equally between two or three people or sets
- Shapes – recognize, name, and sort geometric figures: triangles, rectangles, squares, circles
- Compare geometric shapes and identify similarities and differences of two and three-dimensional figures
- Recognize and name spheres and cubes
- Introduction to Addition and Subtraction
- Patterns – identify missing shapes within a given pattern of geometric shapes
- Extend a given pattern and recognize similarities such as color, shape, texture, or number, in different patterns
Let’s Measure!
- Compare and order objects on the basis of length (longer/shorter), capacity (more/less), height (taller/shorter), and weight (heavier/lighter)
- Name days of the week, months of the year, and the two seasons
- Use the words yesterday, today, and tomorrow to describe the passage of time order daily events
- Tell the time when daily events occur, such as morning, afternoon, and night
Data Analysis and Probability
- Pose information questions, collect and organize data, and record results using objects, pictures, and picture graphs.
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